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Our Retail trainings address the different expectations of Chinese customers and give actionable advice on how to adapt each stage of the customer journey to their specific characteristics. You will learn everything from what sales strategies work best with the Chinese to what moments of the year are big shopping occasions for them. Specifics like the role of beliefs in purchase and preferences in terms of numbers or colors add cultural nuance.



BICESTER VILLAGE Retail staff training
These training sessions designed in cooperation with Impact Global for Value Retail (operators of Bicester Village in Oxfordshire) aimed at preparing retail staff for better relating to their Chinese customers. General cultural attitudes were explained before delving into the customer journey, and seeing how its different stages can be better approached through a cultural lens.

Chinese expectations of services, shopping and brand preferences, as well as cultural meanings of colors symbols and numbers and their influence on retail preferences were explained. Trainees got to practice these principles through cases and group exercises.


TOURISME MONTREAL “China ready” training
China Insight, together with China Luxury advisors, designed a series of two day training seminars for Tourisme Montreal to highlight the trends, attitudes and needs of the Chinese traveler. Next to plenary sessions addressing Chinese culture, travel trends and the digital landscape, specific break out sessions were offered to discuss travelers expectations and best practice for  hotels, dining, attractions and shopping.

A webinar was also produced at the end of the seminars.


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